The Wounded Coast is a feared place, one of the paths that travel into Kirkwall, known for its bandits that hide among the rocky cliffs, as well as the predators that stalk the area.

Act 1
Act 2
Act 1
Redblossom Special
Dark Epiphany
The Unbidden Rescue
Terror on the Coast
Wayward Son
Blackpowder Promise
Duty (available during Act 1 or Act 2)
Act 2
Swatch of the Jackyard
Goosegirl Cameo
Bounty Hunter
Search and Rescue
Raiders on the Cliffs
The Lost Patrol
Elves at Large
Herbalist's Tasks
Act 3
Hostile creatures
- Dalish
- Dalish Archer
- Dalish Assassin
- Dalish Warrior
- Mercenaries
- Slavers
- Tal-Vashoth
- Raiders
- Raider Archer
- Raider Assassin
- Raider Reaver
- Demons
Here are the resources in this area needed for the Supplier achievement:
Act 1
Glitterdust - at the end of the south-pointing dead end on the extreme northeast side of the map.
Elfroot (2) - one on the south side of the north path just past that first northeast clearing, the other id at the dead end on the far west of the map.
Spindleweed - on the path to the northeastern clearing.
Lyrium - in the Tal-Vashoth Cavern during the quest Blackpowder Promise
Silverite - during the quest Blackpowder Promise, relatively in the same area as the Raw Lyrium.
Act 2
Lyrium - in the Dank Cave during the quest Forbidden Knowledge.
Elfroot - about halfway down the east-west path on the south side (just past the first group of Raiders).
Embrium (2) - one on the south path by the blocked mine, the other on the north path where it slopes up to the right.
Act 3
Elfroot - just past the mine cart on the east-west path.
Embrium - to the left just short of the far western exit.
Notable items
Act 1
Avernus's Experimental Draught - found on the Dead Messenger during the quest Dark Epiphany (head up to the right from where Hakwe enters enters the area; there will be a quest marker on the corpse).
Design: Rune of Fire Warding
Act 2
Formula: Mythal's Favor - in a crate along the southern path.
Design: Rune of Defense - from a Pile of Bones; the skeleton is resting at a tree trunk located where the east-west path splits off towards the location of where the Tal-Vashoth were in Act 1; the design can also be found in Act 3.
Act 3
- If the Warden chose to side with Zathrian's Dalish during the main quest Nature of the Beast—either by curing the werewolves or killing them—Hawke encounters a man on the Wounded Coast being harassed by Dalish assassins, who accuse him of being a werewolf. Hawke can side with the elves, which leads to the man being killed; defend the man, upon which the elves attack Hawke; or convince the elves to leave the man alone. The accused man’s appearance will differ based on whether the Warden had killed or cured the werewolves.
- Hawke convinces the assassin killing the human isn't what her mother would have wanted:
Isabela: rivalry (+5). Talking the Dalish out of killing the human nets 500 XP and 50
. This option is only available to a diplomatic Hawke.
- Hawke does not intervene on the man's behalf, resulting in 500 XP, 50
Isabela: friendship (+5).
- Hawke defends the human, which forces a confrontation with the Dalish:
Isabela: rivalry (+5). This option is the most profitable and yields the most XP, around 100 XP and some random loot for the kills, plus 500 XP and 50
as the man thanks Hawke.
- Before Hawke begins the dialogue, the Dalish assassin says to the accused man, "Do you even know her name, shem? No? It's Danyla. She's dead." Danyla was part of the Lost to the Curse quest in Dragon Age: Origins.
- Hawke convinces the assassin killing the human isn't what her mother would have wanted:
- There are two accessible areas that don't show on the map. One in the northern labyrinth and one in the Tal-Vashoth camp to the left before the cave. Both areas are hidden behind bushes and contain normal loot.
- The name may be a reference to the Sword Coast in BioWare's earlier game, Baldur's Gate, as an answer to Merrill's banter questions about why it is called that and how it got wounded.