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The Donarks are dense jungle forests located north of the Anderfels.


Jungles of the Donarks are located in the northwest of Thedas, at the very edge of the explored world.[1] Tevinters call these lands 'Viridis' – "The Green". Exploration of the Donarks is hindered by local threats, such as dangerous wildlife and disease. The Qunari enclave of Qundalon, located on the eastern coast of the region, also serves as a deterrent. Tevinter sailors have mapped out some of the coastline; their reports say that the jungles extend far to the north, but the details differ wildly. The land beyond the coastline largely remains a mystery. There are rumors of wingless dragons and flying chimeras inhabiting the jungles.[2]

Hunter Shade Dracolisk 2

The Donarks are said to be the place of origin of dracolisks, which are powerful mounts possibly related to dragons or wyverns. Dracolisks were first used as mounts by hunters from the Donarks.[3]

BioWare canon
The following information is mentioned only in Dragon Age: Origins: Prima Official Game Guide. Certain portions of this publication, particularly the Traveler's Guide featured in the Collector's Edition, might not reflect currently established lore.

  • The Donarks are a rainforest inhabited by "uncivilized freemen" who have evaded being controlled by people from the south.[4]
BioWare canon
The following information is only mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop. Certain portions of this media may no longer reflect currently established lore.

  • The idea for the Joining came from the people of the Donarks. According to most records, Nakiri of the Donarks was the one who first suggested imbibing the blood of the darkspawn, as his people were known to consume the blood of their enemies to absorb their power.[5]


  • Orlesians import their chocolate from the Donarks.[6]
  • Dorian has this location comment in the Fallow Mire: "Reminds me of the Donarks, actually. Just much, much colder.", implying that he has visited the Donarks.
  • Hard in Hightown references the location by saying that one can buy anything in the Lowtown Bazaar, including "maps to hidden fortresses in the Donarks."[7]
