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Laysh is a port-city in the western Anderfels. It is the only known settlement on the Volca Sea.


Despite its harsh environment, Laysh was once a bustling port-town. It was founded for the sole purpose of trading with ships from across the Volca Sea, odd-looking cargo vessels that brought wares and spices never seen in Thedas. This trade was lucrative enough to justify Laysh's existence; when the traders stopped coming in the early Black Age, Laysh fell to ruin.

According to Ander legend, these traders were called Voshai. They were hostile towards the inhabitants of Laysh and had no desire to learn the common tongue for anything beyond simple bartering. The legends also report that these traders were obsessively interested in acquiring lyrium, and that every single Voshai ship was captained by a dwarf while no elves had ever been seen. The deference with which the dwarven captains were treated hinted at the powerful position held by the dwarves in Voshai society, or at least in their seafaring culture.

When the Voshai traders stopped coming, several Tevinter merchant houses joined forces to attempt to cross the Volca Sea themselves. When none ever returned, interest in the Voshai died.

More recently, there have been reports that the Voshai have returned to Laysh, telling tales of a "massive cataclysm" in their homeland. However, the accuracy of these reports is questionable.[1]

The order of the Green Men, founded in the honor of a hero of the First Blight, leads caravans through the Wandering Hills to Laysh and comprise the best marksmen in Thedas.[2]
